Divinity Original Sin 2 Replayability

First time thru I played with four toons. I built my own character. I enjoyed it. Second time thru I played with just two; Lohse & Ifan. (sp?) It went a.

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Al stohlman books pdf. Originally posted by:The main campaign is fairly replayable due to the different origin stories and tag system, which affect dialogue options, quests and quest solutions, etc. With the option of 4 player multiplayer, there tend to be more alternate solutions for quests than D:OS, as well.D:OS 2 has an arena mode for PvP (or a mix of player vs AI) combat, and will have a Game Master mode (no details have been announced yet).Oh neat thanks. Really enjoy the first game, but that was one of my biggest gripes. Arena mode is bland and boring.the co-op is not good either. You can't use the character you created in MP unless you have friends who have the game or friend randoms who have the game. You can only play your custom character on their servers when they are playing join anyone else's server and your created character doesn't exist and you are stuck playing a pre made character. If you don't join during their character creation stage before the game starts again you are forced to play a pre made charatcer.Single player is good though.But you will get bored fast after finishing the game.I don't know about other people but to me finishing single player over and over for different outcomes to the story or trying new pre made characters out will just get old fast.